
Dr. Janok P. Bhattacharya
Susan Cunningham Research Chair in Geology
Ph.D., 1989, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
School of Geography and Earth Sciences (SGES)
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8
Curriculum Vitae
Ph: 905.525.9140, ext. 23528 | Fax: 905.546.0463

Shuhab D. Khan, Ph.D
Ph.D., 2001, Geosciences, University of Texas, Dallas
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
University of Houston
234 Science & Research Building 1
Houston, Texas 77204-5007
Curriculum Vitae
Ph: 713.893.1699
Current Students
PhD Candidates
- Sandeep Sharma (McMaster, 2018) - Sequence stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Gallup Sandstone, New Mexico
- Wen Lin (McMaster, 2018) - Sequence stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Gallup Sandstone, New Mexico
- David Kynaston (McMaster, 2018) - Tidally-influenced valley fills, Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Proma Bhattacharya (UH, 2017) - Paleo Channel Reconstruction and Grain Size Variability in Fluvial Deposits in Ferron Sandstone, Hanksville, UT
- Kivanc Biber (UH, 2016) - Applications of three-dimensional digital mapping, photogrammetry, and hyperspectral imaging for reservoir analog modeling
- Unal Okyay (UH, 2016) - Hydrocarbon Microseepage
MS Candidates
- Stephanie Kimmerle (McMaster) - Facies Analysis and Paleodischarge of Rivers within a Compound Incised Valley, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Cristina Genovese (2017) - Juana Lopez Member, Mancos Shale Fm., New Mexico
- Logan Jung-Ritchie (2017) - Mancos Shale Formation, New Mexico
BS Candidates
- Natasha Cyples (2016) - Facies architecture of distributary channels in a storm-dominated delta, Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Matt Leung (2016) - Thin-bed analysis of the Tununk Shale Member, Caineville, Utah
- Zachary Waller (2016) - Thin-bed analysis of prodelta shales, Gallup Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
- Monica Wiercigroch (2016) - Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Juana Lopez Member, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Consortium Alumni
PhD Graduates
- Oyebode Famubode (2014) - Paleosol evolution in a fluvial sequence stratigraphic framework, Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South Central Utah, U.S.A.
- Mohammed Shahid Ullah (2015) - Fluvial Architecture and Paleohydraulic Analysis of Ancient River Deposits Turonian Ferro Notom Delta, Utah
- Felipe Lozano (2015) - 3D Seismic Geomorphology and Seismic Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Shelf and Shelf -Margin Depositional Systems, Northern Gulf Of Mexico
MS Graduates
- Ben Browning (2017) - High Resolution Facies & Architectural Analysis of a Tributive, Basal Terrace of a Ferron Compound Incised Valley
- Casey Snyder (2014) - Thin-bedded reservoir analogs in ancient delta using high-resolution, ground-based remote sensing technologies, Cretaceous Notom delta, Utah
- Zhiyang Li (2014) - Evaluating along-strike variation using thin-bedded facies analysis, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom delta, Utah
- Benjamin Richards (2014) - Fluvial to marine facies succession in a compound incised valley system in the Ferron-Notom delta, Utah
- Omar Montes (2013) - Quantitative Comparison of Channel-Belt Dimensions, Ferron Notom Delta, South-Central Utah
- Benjamin Hilton (2013)- 3D Allostratigraphic Mapping and Facies Heterogeneity of a Compound, Tributary Incised Valley System, Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Heather McGarity (2013) - Facies and Stratigraphic Framework of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas
- Dan Beuchmann (2013) - Provenance, Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, and Tectonic Significance of Middle Cretaceous Sandstones from the Alberta Foreland Basin
- Danfix D'Souza (2013) - Facies architecture and control on Channel-Belt Geometry; Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah
- Cameron Griffin (2013) - Facies Architecture, Paleo-hydraulics and Fluvial Style of a Falling Stage Terrace deposit within a Compound Valley System, Ferron Notom Delta, Utah
- Christopher Campbel (2013) - Valley Widening and the Composite Nature of Valley Margin Sequence Boundaries: Evidence from the Neilson Wash Compound Valley Fill, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Petter Dischington (2013) - Counter Point Bars in Coarse-grained Meandering Fluvial Deposits in the Brushy Basin Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation
- Jianqiao Wang (2013) - Plan-View Paleochannel Reconstruction and Paleocurrent Fields of Meanderbelts, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Chenliang Wu (2013) - Heterogeneity, Paleohydrology, and 3D Facies Architecture of Ancient Point Bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, Utah
BS Graduates
- David Kynaston (2014) - Facies Architecture Of A Tidal Influenced Channel In Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah
- Harrison Martin (2015) - Scaling relationships of rib-and-furrow structures in modern and ancient dunes and bars in rivers
- Cristina Genovese (2015) - Thin Bed and Sandstone Dike Architecture of Cretaceous Ferron Prodelta Shales, Utah
- Chuqiao Huang (2015) - Shale Mechanics of Growth Faults Containing Planar Bedding Within the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta of Utah