Our mission is to turn out high quality, competitive professionals, with excellent problem solving skills and demonstration of solid communication abilities through presentations at professional society meetings and peer reviewed papers.
The QSL research program is founded on the fundamentals of sedimentology, fieldwork, facies analysis, and sequence stratigraphy at both production and exploration (regional) scale. I am also working on research that investigates the relationship between stratigraphy and structure as a paired process-response.
Much of our work is sponsored by industry and is directly applicable to production and exploration problems. In addition to the applied focus, I believe that it is essential that research projects have fundamental scientific value and we place a high emphasis on producing results that are publishable in the top peer-reviewed publications.
Becoming a Member
The Research prospectus provides an overview of consortium research and deliverables. Formal contracts are generated through our Office of Contracts and Grants.
Research Prospectus
Contact Information
Dr. Janok P. Bhattacharya
Susan Cunningham Research Chair in Geology
School of Geography and Earth Sciences (SGES)
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8
Ph: 905.525.9140, ext. 23528 | Fax: 905.546.0463
Research Website: http://www.qsc.uh.edu/
Department Website: http://www.eas.uh.edu/
UH: http://www.uh.edu/
Shuhab D. Khan, Ph.D
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
University of Houston
234 Science & Research Building 1
Houston, Texas 77204-5007
Sandy Brown
Research Contracts Officer
Office of Contracts and Grants
Division of Research
University of Houston
316 E. Cullen Building
Houston, Texas 77204-2015
Ph: 713.743.1323 | Fax: 713.743.9577
Amber Metham
Research Contracts Advisor
McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO)
175 Longwood Road South
McMaster Innovation Park, Suite 305
Hamilton, ON L8P 0A1
905.525.9140, ext. 26878